Day 33 – outta here!

Woke up at 8:00 to catch a 10:00ish train for our 1:30 flight.  Everything went swimmingly.  I gave away all of my coins to homeless guys on the train, and Christine and I spent the rest of ours in the airport – perfect planning!  I spent the majority of my day 6 miles in the air in -70 degree weather going 525 miles/hr.  I watched In Bruges and The Social Network to drain my computer battery completely.

All 9 bottles of wine/beer arrived safely in Boston in our luggage, but then we had to check it again for our final flight to Chicago.  After we walked across the airport to get to the correct terminal we were checking our flight to see our gate number.  When we initially booked our flight we were scheduled to be on the 5:55 to Chicago – but it ended up being cancelled – thank goodness we took the later one at 6:55, right?

That top flight is ours…

Grrrrrrrrr.  All flights out of Boston to Chicago and Dallas were cancelled tonight.  The airline announced this and just handed everybody a card with a phone number and said “that’s all we can do for you.”  No help with hotels, rescheduling, any sort of information, or any other compensation for this issue.  Great, thanks!

The earliest we were able to reschedule our flight was 6:10 AM Sunday morning.  That’ll work for now, now let’s find a home for the next 2 days.  Luckily, the Swierczeks (now Changs) also populate the Boston area, so I called my Aunt whom I haven’t seen in years and years (“Who’s Eric Swierczek?”) and they took us in with more than open arms for the night.  After an hour ride back from the airport we arrived to Chinese food, beer, air conditioning, and a bed!

We’ll figure out the last leg of our trip tomorrow, but tonight we’re beyond (happy + satisfied + thankful =) happisfiedful.